This is a podcast for strength and physique athletes. Our episodes feature a combination of industry experts and academics along with world champions and record holders. The intention is to offer listeners advice from some of the most accomplished lifters on the planet, as well as present a scientific approach to training, recovery, nutrition, rehab, and sports psychology. Hope you enjoy it!

Friday Jul 16, 2021
#48 Dr. Hayden Pritchard - Peaking And Tapering For Powerlifting
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dr. Hayden Pritchard. Topics of discussion include utilizing ammonia, defining peaking and tapering, variables influencing the taper, guidelines for tapering athletes, learning from mistakes, shifts in coaching paradigms, evaluating progress, absolute intensity vs intensity of effort, supercompensation, and more.
00:01 Introduction
01:59 Utilizing Amonia
04:55 Defining peaking, tapering, and deloading
12:15 Variables influencing the taper
21:37 Guidelines for reloading and tapering
38:05 Learning from mistakes
42:40 Shifts in coaching paradigms
49:30 Evaluating progress
53:13 Absolute intensity vs intensity of effort
59:29 Supercompensation
01:09:38 Where can people find you?
Dr. Hayden Pritchard
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hayden_rts/
Website: https://www.reactivetrainingsystems.com/
Ammonia Article: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/ammonia-inhalants/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
#47 Bill Campbell PhD - Supplements For Strength And Physique
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Bill Campbell PhD. Topics of discussion include classifying supplements, magnitude of impact they have on strength and performance, creatine monohydrate, fish oil, caffeine, whey protein, nitric oxide and precursors, vitamin D, melatonin, and more.
00:01 Introduction
02:28 Classification of supplements
07:31 Impact of supplementation
11:04 Creatine monohydrate
20:00 Fish oil EPA/DHA
22:14 Caffeine
28:58 Whey protein
37:09 Nitric oxide and precursors
41:25 Vitamin D
43:42 Melatonin
50:51 Noteworthy supplements
52:40 Where can people find you?
Bill Campbell PhD
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/billcampbellphd/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
#46 Paul Oneid - Mastering Squat, Bench, And Deadlift Part 2: Bench Press
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Paul Oneid. Topics of discussion include execution of the bench press, muscular contributions and bench mechanics, stability and muscular deficiencies, volume distribution, considerations for female lifters, correcting low back pain during the bench press, peaking the bench press, and more.
00:01 Introduction
01:02 Rules and execution of the bench press
05:43 Muscular contribution and mechanics
19:09 Stability and muscular deficiencies
29:35 Volume distribution
32:10 Considerations for female lifters
43:05 Correcting low back pain in the bench press
50:10 Peaking the bench press
53:44 Where can people find you?
Paul Oneid
IG: https://www.instagram.com/coachescorneru/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/pauloneid/
Website: https://masterathletic.com/
Website: https://www.1-lifeinc.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
#45 Dustin Oranchuk - Utilizing Eccentrics And Isometrics In Rehabilitation
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dustin Oranchuk. Topics of discussion include defining injury, Dustin’s PhD, utilizing eccentrics and isometrics, the adaptive ability of tissues pre/post-injury, progressing through contraction types, frequency. triphasic training, and more.
00:01 Introduction
02:28 Defining injury
03:31 Discussing his PhD
07:55 Utilizing Eccentrics, Isometrics
15:52 Adaptive ability of tissues pre/post injury
20:30 Progressing through contraction types
23:33 Pain guidelines
26:26 Frequency of exposure
30:02 Triphasic training
39:44 Novelty in rehab
42:35 Where can people find you?
Dustin Oranchuk
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dustinoranchuk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dustinoranchuk
Website: https://acumensportsandshoulder.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
#44 Paul Oneid - Mastering Squat, Bench, And Deadlift Part 1: Squat
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Paul Oneid. Topics of discussion include execution of the squat, anatomy and muscular contributions, needs analysis, technical development, common issues in the squat, bracing and IAP, training frequency, exercise variation, aerobic conditioning, and more.
00:01 Introduction
01:53 Executing the squat
06:18 Anatomy and muscular contributions
09:24 Needs analysis and evaluating technique
16:55 Prioritization in technical development
25:16 Common issues in the squat
35:58 Bracing and IAP
40:09 Breathing during low rep vs high rep sets
48:34 Frequency
53:27 Exercise selection and variation
57:42 Aerobic conditioning
01:06:10 Determining the focus of the block
01:09:35 Where can people find you?
Paul Oneid
IG: https://www.instagram.com/coachescorneru/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/pauloneid/
Website: https://masterathletic.com/
Website: https://www.1-lifeinc.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
#43 Astrid Naranjo - Health Food And Misconceptions Part 2
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Astrid Naranjo. Topics of discussion include organic vs conventional foods, accumulative exposure to pesticides, adapting to new food environments, dairy consumption, gluten intolerances, vegan/vegetarian diets, saturated/unsaturated/trans fats, and more.
00:01 Introduction
04:03 Organic vs conventional foods
13:05 Accumulative exposure to pesticides
17:57 Adapting to new food environments
24:14 Pros & Cons of dairy consumption
30:16 Gluten intolerance
34:17 Vegan & vegetarian diets
41:10 Saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats
49:01 Where can people find you?
Astrid Naranjo
Website: https://astrid-dietitian.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antidiet_dietitian/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOdRl9pMjB4KkoW-0kPQpQA
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday May 25, 2021
#42 Jaebien Rosario - Obesity, Metabolic Health, And Public Narratives
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Jaebien Rosario. Topics of discussion include classifying obesity, genetic and environmental influences, BMI body fat and other measurement tools, metabolically healthy obesity, exercise and metabolic health, alternative treatments, HAES, body positivity, dangers of ambivalence, and more.
00:01 Introduction
02:10 Classifying obesity
04:18 Genetic and environmental influences on obesity
09:58 Body fat, waist circumference, and BMI
16:10 Metabolically healthy obesity
23:48 Exercise and metabolic health
29:55 Alternate treatments for obesity
32:03 Healthy at every size
37:12 Body positivity and fat acceptance
44:53 The dangers of ambivalence
52:05 Summary of the evidence
54:19 Where can people find you
Jabien Rosario
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mr.cogfit/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mr.cogfit?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrcogfit/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday May 18, 2021
#41 Chris Duffin - Grand Goals And Deadlifting 1000Lb For Reps
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Chris Duffin. Topics of discussion include the origin of grand goals, managing competing priorities, self-reflection and progression, developing resiliency, course correction, finding small wins, traits for success, and more.
00:01 Introduction
03:52 The origin of grand goals
12:34 Managing competing priorities and ambivalence
21:52 Self-reflection and progression
25:29 Developing resiliency
37:52 Course correction
43:15 Finding small wins
45:38 Traits for success
52:14 Where can people find you
Chris Duffin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mad_scientist_duffin/
Website: www.kabukistrength.com
Chris’s Free Book: https://christopherduffin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christopher.duffin.3
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dr. Aaron Horshig from Squat University. Topics of discussion include screening athletes, developing corrective interventions, the use and misuse of correctives, intervention selection, breath work, functional asymmetries, increasing resiliency, working around impingements, and more.
00:01 Introduction
05:39 Screening athletes
18:03 Developing corrective interventions
22:31 Use and misuse of correctives
40:17 Developing an appropriate intervention
49:39 Functional asymmetries
01:03:23 Breath work in training
01:08:43 Focusing on the feet
01:13:15 Working around impingements
01:19:32 Increasing resiliency
01:24:35 Where can people find you
Aaron Horshig
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squat_university/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyPYQTT20IgzVw92LDvtClw
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@squatuniversity?lang=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SquatUniversity
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday May 04, 2021
#39 John Kiely - Periodization And Strength
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with John Kiely for an in-depth discussion on periodization. Topics of discussion include the nebulous definition of periodization, variables influencing performance, stress, allostasis and the GAS principle, biopsychosocial model, program design, individual vs group response, sudden change in training, and more.
00:01 Introduction
05:53 Defining periodization
20:08 Variables influencing performance
28:17 Stress
37:40 Allostasis and general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
56:17 Biopsychosocial influences
01:02:20 Periodization and program design
01:13:13 Individual vs group responses o training
1:24:19 Where can people find you?
01:25:02 Sudden change in training
John Kiely
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplysportssci/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/simplysportssci?lang=en
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA