This is a podcast for strength and physique athletes. Our episodes feature a combination of industry experts and academics along with world champions and record holders. The intention is to offer listeners advice from some of the most accomplished lifters on the planet, as well as present a scientific approach to training, recovery, nutrition, rehab, and sports psychology. Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
#58 Dr Lisa Lewis - Mental Performance In Training And Competition
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dr. Lisa Lewis. Topics of discussion include defining mental performance, mental performance and athletic performance, performing well in training but not in competition, self regulation, getting the most out of your performance, and more.
Dr. Lisa Lewis
IG: https://www.instagram.com/drlewisconsulting/
Website: https://drlewisconsulting.com/
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_debrocke/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_debrocke/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
#57 Christian Thibaudeau - When To Increase Or Reduce Training Volume
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Christian Thibaudeau. Topics of discussion include Determining a starting point, allocating volume between exercises, relationship between volume and intensity for muscle growth, increasing or reducing volume, training frequency, and more.
Christian Thibaudeau
IG: https://www.instagram.com/christian.thibaudeau.thibarmy/
Website: https://thibarmy.com/
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_debrocke/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_debrocke/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
#56 Dr. Marc Morris - Communicating Nutrition Information
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dr. Marc Morris. Topics of discussion include communicating nutrition information, promoting autonomy and self efficacy, compound effect of behaviours, simplifying information, motivation, nutrition biases, and more.
Dr. Marc Morris
IG: https://www.instagram.com/marcwmorris/
Website: https://www.polyhealth.ca/
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
#55 Nick Shaw - What It Takes To Be Successful
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
In this episode Daniel sits down with Nick Shaw from Renaissance Periodization. Topics of discussion include locus of control, self determination theory, how Nick found his direction in life, competition and discipline, defining your purpose, overcoming obstacles, learning when to pivot, book recommendations, mentors, self belief, and more.
Nick Shaw
IG: https://www.instagram.com/nick.shaw.rp/
Website: https://renaissanceperiodization.com/
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Fit-Success-Lessons-Achievement-Leading/dp/0578765551
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_debrocke/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_debrocke/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
#54 Will Starks - Weight Management And Water Cuts
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Will Starks. Topics of discussion include strategies for cutting weight, hydration and diet post weight cut, special considerations when cutting weight, body composition, stress, sleep, hormones, training during a weight cut, concurrent training, weight cutting mistakes, and more.
00:01 Introduction
07:30 Strategies for cutting weight
13:09 Hydration and diet post water cut
21:01 Consideration when cutting weight
24:58 Body composition, stress, and sleep
29:28 Training during a weight cut
35:39 Concurrent training
44:19 Anecdotes about water cuts
50:09 Weight cutting mistakes
01:07:14 Closing remarks
01:09:33 Where can people find you?
Wil Starks
IG: https://www.instagram.com/willstarksmma/
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
#53 Joe Bennett (Hypertrophy Coach) - Training For Muscle Growth
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Joe Bennet. Topics of discussion include does strength potentiate muscle, does muscle potentiate strength, mechanisms of muscle growth and practical application, internal vs external cuing, altering range of motion for muscle growth, periodizing muscle growth, muscle protein synthesis, managing expectations and more.
00:01 Introduction
08:21 What is your content strategy?
15:10 Does strength potentiate muscle growth?
18:20 Does muscle potentiate strength?
23:00 Mechanisms of hypertrophy and practical application
32:16 Internal vs external cues
40:53 Altering range of motion for muscle growth
49:21 Periodizing for muscle growth
57:54 Acute vs chronic increase in muscle protein synthesis
01:11:30 Managing expectations
01:17:34 Where can people find you?
Joe Bennett (Hypertrophy Coach)
IG: https://www.instagram.com/hypertrophycoach/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRZC4kbD4lIVe02LL2H27Aw
Website: https://www.hypertrophycoach.com/
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
#52 Gabriela Angulo - Male & Female Social Dynamics
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Gabriela Angulo. Topics of discussion include objectification vs compliments, cultural differences, social pressures, women’s attire in the gym, are men intimidated by women, assertive women, masculinity, self acceptance and social acceptance, women judging women vs men judging women, is exposing physical imperfections brave, giving unsolicited advice at the gym, and more.
00:01 Introduction
04:36 Objectification
12:36 Cultural differences
18:38 Social pressure
22:24 Women’s attire in the gym
33:01 Assertive women
41:14 Are men intimidated by assertive women
45:38 Masculinity
01:00:08 Self acceptance and social acceptance
01:12:36 Women judging women vs men judging women
01:16:39 Is exposing physical imperfections brave?
01:27:13 Giving unsolicited advice at the gym
01:34:46 Where can people find you?
Gabriela Angulo
IG: https://www.instagram.com/gabypowerlifts/
Stacked Strength
DM FOR COACHING: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
#51 Dr. Lisa Lewis - The Impact Of Nutrition & Exercise On Mental Health
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dr. Lisa Lewis. Topics of discussion include defining mental health, locus of causality and the spectrum of responsibility, exercise and mental health, exercise and cognitive decline, developing psychological and emotional resiliency, nutrition and mental health, exercise modality and mental health, resources for mental health support, and more.
00:01 Introduction
02:34 Defining mental health
09:17 Locus of causality
13:01 Exercise, and mental health
20:08 Exercise and cognitive decline
21:36 Developing psychological and emotional resiliency
27:09 Nutrition and mental health
36:45 Exercise modality and mental health
47:13 Resources for mental health support
51:19 Where can people find you?
Dr. Lisa Lewis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drlewisconsulting/
Mental Health Support: www.psychologytoday.com
Website: drlewisconsulting.com
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
#50 Paul Oneid - Mastering Squat, Bench, And Deadlift - Part 3: Deadlift
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Paul Oneid. Topics of discussion include sumo vs conventional deadlift, fatigue management, developing positional tolerance, prescribing training load, assessing RPE/RIR, wedging in the deadlift, losing upper back position, training with intent, internal vs external stability, assistance work, and more.
00:01 Introduction
00:36 Sumo vs conventional deadlift
05:37 Fatigue management
08:34 Developing positional tolerance
19:39 Prescribing training load
22:32 Assessing RIR/RPE
34:26 Wedging in the deadlift
40:40 Losing upper back position
48:56 Training with intent
55:48 Volume, intensity, and internal vs external stability
01:00:34 Assistance work
01:05:30 Evolving as a coach/athlete
01:15:00 Where can people find you?
Paul Oneid
IG: https://www.instagram.com/coachescorneru/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/pauloneid/
Website: https://masterathletic.com/
Website: https://www.1-lifeinc.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Friday Jul 23, 2021
#49 Dr. Stefi Cohen - Women In The Fitness Industry
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
In today's episode, I sat down with Dr. Stefi Cohen. Topics of discussion include being a woman in the fitness industry, the burden of authenticity, being wanted and wanting attention, objectification vs admiration, internal bias, Only Fans, being a role model, major realizations, and more.
00:01 Introduction
01:19 Being a women in the fitness industry
14:21 The burden of authenticity
22:37 Being wanted and wanting attention
27:43 Objectification vs admiration
28:59 Only Fans
31:55 Internal bias
35:53 Being a role model
41:36 Major realizations
43:35 Where can people find you?
Stefi Cohen
IG: https://www.instagram.com/steficohen/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/hybridperformancemethod/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMoe2ZnSFIFcayGVv__xFEA
Website: https://www.hybridperformancemethod.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA