This is a podcast for strength and physique athletes. Our episodes feature a combination of industry experts and academics along with world champions and record holders. The intention is to offer listeners advice from some of the most accomplished lifters on the planet, as well as present a scientific approach to training, recovery, nutrition, rehab, and sports psychology. Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
#28 Quinn Henoch - Addressing Hip Pain During The Squat
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Dr. Quinn Henoch. Topics of discussion include pain vs injury, experiencing pain while squatting, the relationship between sleep and pain, range of motion and muscular contributions to pain, utilizing an alternating approach to training, correctly utilizing warm-ups, the role of technique in safety and performance, pain triggers, potential strategies, and more.
00:01 Introduction
01:41 Pain vs Injury
08:32 Inevitability of pain
11:45 Experiencing hip pain in the squat
17:14 The relationship between sleep and pain
24:51 Range of motion and muscular contributions to pain
36:08 Utilizing an alternating approach
38:37 Optimizing technique for safety and performance
45:00 Correctly utilizing warm ups
52:04 Positional experimentation
55:28 Identifying triggers and potential strategies
01:15:11 Troubleshooting solutions
01:21:21 Critical mentality for recovery
01:24:35 Where can people find you
Dr. Quinn Henoch
IG: https://www.instagram.com/quinn.henochdpt/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/clinicalathlete/
Website: https://www.clinicalathlete.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCli_B0jDSZhqI2hLxNyq2cw
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrMmbKtbwRtMtG3JRmw7bA

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
#27 Mike Tuchscherer - The Process Of Individualization
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Mike Tuchscherer. Topics of discussion include monitoring training variables. prescribing volume and load, the timeline for testing new exercises, primary and accessory exercise selection, timing and constructing deloads, lift frequency, and more.
00:01 Introduction
02:30 What are the key variables to monitor?
11:50 Prescribing volume and load
16:53 Various metrics to inform progression
19:49 Timeline for testing new exercises
23:49 Accessory exercise selection
28:43 Considerations for training block length
34:45 Timing and constructing deloads
38:55 Primary exercise selection
43:53 Mesocycle development and menstrual cycle
46:56 Bringing up a weaker lift
54:36 Determining lift frequency
58:40 RTS classroom
01:00:24 Where can people find you?
Mike Tuchscherer
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reactivetrainingsystems/?hl=en
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miketuchscherer/?hl=en
Website: https://www.reactivetrainingsystems.com/Home/Main
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1mxiZEhYvFdcEfRRLU1zsV?si=xVrObuojTu-FMDf7RhTEHg
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Power275
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
# 26 Brian MacKenzie - Breathing, Stress, And Athletic Performance
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Brian Mackenzie. Topics of discussion include physiology of breathing, stress axis, depression, PTSD, anxiety, energy metabolism and athletic performance, nose vs mouth breathing, increasing CO2 tolerance, managing obstructive breathing issues, breathing and gut health, and more.
00:01 Introduction
06:09 Breathing and squat mechanics
07:38 Physiology of breathing
19:44 Breathing, stress axis, depression, PTSD, anxiety
27:05 Sympathetic tone, energy metabolism, and athletic performance
35:54 Nose breathing vs mouth breathing
42:30 Increasing your CO2 tolerance
52:09 Managing obstructive breathing issues
59:05 Breathing and gut health
01:07:52 Stress response and individual responsibility
01:12:06 Resources for improving breathing
01:13:54 Where can people find you?
Brian MacKenzie:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_brianmackenzie/
Intagram: https://www.instagram.com/shift_adapt/
Website: www.shiftadapt.com
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
#25 Andrew Coates - Getting Results With A Busy Schedule
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Andrew Coates. Topics of discussion include training with time constraints, gaining client buy-in, becoming a better listener, encouraging autonomy, individual responsibility, strategies for busy parents, setting your future self up for success, protecting yourself from saboteurs, and more.
00:01 Introduction
02:37 Common time related obstacles
06:45 How do you get client buy-in on their goals?
09:00 How do you become better at listening to clients?
13:57 How do you develop autonomy with your clients?
21:53 Individual responsibility and lifestyle
29:37 Strategies for busy parents
33:37 Setting your future self up for success
40:27 How do you evaluate progress with your clients?
48:08 Protecting yourself from saboteurs
53:37 Where can people find you?
Andrew Coates:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrewcoatesfitness/
Website: https://www.andrewcoatesfitness.com/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/lift-free-and-diet-hard-with-andrew-coates/id1294990985
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/

Monday Jan 11, 2021
#24 Sam Spinelli - Adjusting Training As You Age
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Dr. Sam Spinelli. Topics of discussion include pain and aging, the impact of age on recovery, age and mobility, training modalities for older demographics, altering programming for older athletes, the impact of resistance exercise on age-related health issues, and more.
00:01 Introduction
01:32 Is pain inevitable as we age?
04:10 Wear and tear with aging
10:11 How is recovery impacted by age?
15:04 Physiological changes that impact athletic ability with age
20:48 The impact of age on mobility
26:25 Training modalities for older demographics
36:37 How would you alter programming for mixed demographics
41:56 Strategies to minimize the negative effects of aging
44:54 When to push hard and when to dial back
47:50 The impact of resistance exercise on age-related health concerns
50:35 Where can people find you?
Sam Spinelli:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.samspinelli/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAtmVKWydaRwpgZsxQw7rYg
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkb9jgRxR2D5bc1fSDofwtA
Website: https://citizenathletics.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/

Monday Jan 04, 2021
#23 Joe Sullivan - Overcoming Obstacles And Pursuing Your Goals
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Joe Sullivan. Topics of discussion include core values that contribute to success, major influences in Joe's life, current goals Joe is pursuing, heuristics, individual responsibility, major turning points in his lifting career, finding balance, and more.
00:09 Introduction
05:24 What core values have contributed to your success?
09:54 Who were your major influences?
14:31 What are some of the goals you’re working toward?
17:40 Personal heuristics
20:39 The skill of communication
24:01 Individual responsibility
29:04 Accurately evaluating your goals
31:49 The myth of sisyphus
36:41 Major turning points in pursuit of your goals
42:17 Looking to past experiences for perspective
46:25 How do you find balance in your life?
50:06 Staying accountable
52:15 Being familiar with failure
54:33 Where can people find you?
Joe Sullivan:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joesullivanpowerlifer/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/njvfevfw
Website: http://joesullivanpowerlifting.com
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/StackedStrength/

Monday Dec 28, 2020
#22 Broderick Chavez - An Honest Conversation About Steroids
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Broderick Chavez. Topics of discussion include drug classifications, health risks of drug use, the role of nutrition and exercise in drug use, cycling drugs vs staying on, psychological effects of drug use, drug use in sports, evading testing, libido, and more.
00:09 Introduction
08:10 Drug classifications
21:52 Drug use in sports & health risks
30:34 The role of nutrition and exercise in drug use
32:48 What you need prior to using drugs
38:41 Cycling drugs vs staying on
46:41 Managing risk in drug use
52:09 Oral vs injectable drugs
1:00:45 The impact of drugs on psychology
1:09:41 Evading drug testing in sports
1:23:15 Treating libido and erectile dysfunctions
1:30:11 Where can people find you
Broderick Chavez:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamevilgsp/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/EvilGSP
Website: https://members.teamevilgsp.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/

Monday Dec 21, 2020
#21 Justin Harris - Optimizing Body Composition For Strength Athletes
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Justin Harris. Topics of discussion include nutrition mistakes and strategies, body composition for males and females, lifter development, food quality, and body composition, preserving performance while dieting, post-diet nutrition, and more.
00:09 Introduction
01:40 Working with Ben Pollack
03:09 Nutrition mistakes and strategies of strength athletes
10:35 Optimal body composition for males and females
15:01 How body fat percentage impacts hormones
16:25 How to approach a new lifters development
20:20 The impact of food quality on body composition
25:43 Strategies to manage hunger and satiety
28:11 Impact of body composition and recovery
29:19 Preserving performance while cutting weight
31:57 How do you evaluate progress
41:19 Metabolic adaptations to dieting
44:30 Structuring a diet for strength and physique athletes
46:33 Post diet nutrition
48:40 Intermittent diet breaks
50:33 What’s a controversial opinion you have?
57:53 Where can people find you?
Justin Harris
IG: https://www.instagram.com/troponin_nutrition/
Website: www.troponinnutrition.com
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DanielDeBroke

Monday Dec 14, 2020
#20 Dr. Megan Jones Bryanton - Assessing Powerlifters Movement Strategies
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Dr. Megan Jones Bryanton. Topics of discussion include assessing powerlifters movement strategies, the role of the hamstrings in the squat, assessing the squat, bench press, and deadlift, improving deadlift start position, identifying and addressing weak points, and more.
00:09 Introduction
01:37 Movement strategies
06:55 Assessing the squat
20:32 Role of the hamstrings in the squat
24:06 Assessing the bench press
35:14 Failing to address weaknesses
42:45 Strategies for addressing weaknesses
44:17 Role of the lats in the bench press
52:18 Role of the calves in squatting
01:00:08 Setting up for the squat
01:04:57 Strategies to improve deadlift start position
01:11:30 Accessory exercises to strengthen leg drive in the deadlift
01:13:54 Accessory exercises to strengthen the hips for the deadlift
01:15:46 Executing corrective exercises
01:18:45 Using self myofascial release
01:31:13 Where can people find you?
Megan Jones Bryanton:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megan.kineticadvantage/
Website: https://www.kineticadvantage.ca/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength

Monday Dec 07, 2020
#19 Dr Mel Davis - Dieting, Habit Formation, And Weight Loss
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
In today's episode, Daniel sits down with Dr Mel Davis from Renaissance Periodization. Topics of discussion include why habits are so difficult to change, environmental triggers, changing behaviour, food reward and addictive behaviour, the role of social support, motivation vs discipline, the intention-behaviour gap, self-determination theory, and more.
00:09 Introduction
01:27 Why are habits so difficult to change?
04:00 Environmental triggers and reactive eating
06:48 Changing eating behaviour 09:15 Food reward and addictive behaviour
11:50 Process-oriented goals vs outcome-oriented goals
13:37 How to determine the best starting point for your diet
16:35 The role of social support
17:38 Effective communication strategies
19:06 Goal setting
23:24 How do you monitor your clients progress
24:50 Setting timelines for your goals
26:41 Evolving goals
29:33 Motivation vs discipline
32:07 Role of genetics on behaviour change
33:33 The intention-behaviour gap
35:20 Rewarding yourself for productive behaviour
39:37 Self determination theory
44:20 Affirmations and self efficacy
47:40 What’s a controversial opinion you have?
49:49 Where can people find you?
Dr. Mel Davis
IG: https://www.instagram.com/regressive_underload/
Website: https://renaissanceperiodization.com/
Stacked Strength
COACHING: https://www.stackedstrength.com/coaching
WEBSITE: https://www.stackedstrength.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/stackedstrength/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/StackedStrength/